


New year, new money right?! If you’re like me, then this year you’re serious about making some money honey! The truth is, we all want to make more money, but with so much noise on the internet, it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together a list of my favorite resources that’ll teach you how to make more, spend better and invest well. Here’s to getting our money right in 2019!

A lot of times we are waiting on something to happen. Waiting for a job opening. Waiting to make a move. Taking life as it comes. What I’ve realized is that success comes when you have the courage to make things happen. You have to go after what you want. We aren’t waiting on life, life is waiting on us.

Hi guys, Thought I’d try something new here and start posting short quotes from great leaders. This week I’ve really been into Jeff Bezos and understanding how he got to where he is. I picked this quote below because it reminds us that sometimes constraints are good. It forces creativity. What do you think? Do you need constraints to be innovative?

Hi guys!! I just came across this really colorful infographic and thought it would be nice to share! It has great info on how a few famous entrepreneurs got their start in business. I’m literally breathing entrepreneurship these days, I love the idea of owning something for yourself. Anyways I thought this would be helpful to see how they got started. Bon apetit! Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

This post contains affiliate links. I may get paid when you click on a link and buy a product, at no extra cost to you. Getting started as an entrepreneur can be down right frightening. There’s so much to learn and do, that it can be overwhelming just thinking about it. But if you’re up for the challenge, here are a few things to make getting started as an entrepreneur less scary. Find Businesses To Imitate Being an entrepreneur does not mean being an innovator. Let’s get one thing straight: Being an entrepreneur does not mean being an innovator. Those are two separate things. Many times, entrepreneurs are simply taking an existing success and using their skills to create a business from it. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is a prime (ahh puns) example. When Amazon started off as an online bookstore, bookstores had been around for centuries. Jeff Bezos…