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New year, new money right?! If you’re like me, then this year you’re serious about making some money honey! The truth is, we all want to make more money, but with so much noise on the internet, it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together a list of my favorite resources that’ll teach you how to make more, spend better and invest well. Here’s to getting our money right in 2019!

Spend Well

Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School by Cary Siegel

Can we all agree that adulting is hard? Especially when school skips the practical things like how to buy your first car, home, etc. It’s unfortunate that no one really breaks these things down for us. But in this book, Cary Siegel gives you 99 principles that will help you spend wisely. Each principle is grouped into 1 of 8 categories, so it’s really easy to focus on one area at a time. It’s a really good read, especially for when you’re just starting out.

Money Diaries by Refinery 29

Money Diaries has a bunch of great stories that show how other millennial women are spending their money. Personally, it helps me not feel like total sh*t when I buy my 3 o’clock latte a Starbucks. Everybody does it ok?! But seriously, with money being a strangely taboo topic, it really does help you get a sense of how other people spend, and whether or not you should be cutting back in some areas. Also, it’s nice to see how women with higher salaries manage their spending. And while it doesn’t directly give you a budget plan, you get a feel for where to draw the line on your spending. If you want more in depth how to spend your money advice, they’ve got a whole book for that.

Make More

Girl Boss

Hands down one of the best kept secrets on the internet. Girl Boss was founded by Sophia Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal. True to its name, Girl Boss is all about showcasing women who’ve become bosses in their own right. From talks with founders to articles like How To Turn Your Instagram Account Into A Legit Business, Girl Boss should definitely have space in your bookmarks.

You are a Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero

Hands down my favorite money mindset book! It’s going to take a lot to dethrone this, ok? I love this book. Maybe its the no bullshit tone of voice Sincero takes when encouraging to get rid of our money fears, or maybe its just the fact that she really hones in on achieving the money mindset. Seriously, this book is a must have if you’re serious about making more money.

The Financial Diet Youtube Channel

The Financial Diet youtube channel is dedicated to helping you understand every aspect of your money. And if you’re looking to start 2019 by getting that raise, I’d recommend starting with this video on Knowing Your Worth. What’s great is that in the video, you learn that Knowing Your Worth is more than just a feel good slogan, it entails practical steps. For example, building a network, and keeping a swipe file to record praise you receive. If you want more consolidated advice on getting your money right, their book The Financial Diet, is also just as relatable.

Invest Well

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Relax guys, I know this isn’t a book about money. But who you’re connected to, and the quality of those connections definitely impacts how much money you make. Like, whole studies prove this. And yeah, it’s hard pill to swallow but it’s just the reality. Just being great at your job is not enough and never has been. You need people in your corner to root you on, and for that, it helps to know how to relate to people. How to Win Friends and Influence Peoplewill help you understand how others think, and what you can do to become more likable. And yes, I bought my own copy. 🙂

Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies by Eric Dyson

It wouldn’t be right to learn all about making more and spending well without knowing how to invest all that extra cash! That’s why Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies is a great read. This book teaches you how to evaluate and manage risk, how to prioritize short term goals, and so much more. Even if you’re not super excited at the thought of learning about the stock market, this book really gives you just the basics to make sure you’re not completely clueless when it comes to how to grow your money. Everyone should know a little something about investing!

I’m sure you guys have a couple of your own favorite resources for getting financially savvy in 2019! Share them below! Until next time!


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